Sailor Moon Married Life #include Important Note: Sailor *Scouts* refers specifically to the Inner Senshi. The Outers are always referred to as the Outer Senshi. Married Life Chapter 2: Explanations and New Problems Tokyo, Japan August 9, 1998 Luna had made the transition from the Tsukino home to the Chiba apartment fairly easily. Although Serena and Darien were saving their money to make a down payment on a house, with individual-family units so scarce and so expensive in space-conscious Tokyo, it would be a long time before the college student and the materials-engineer had anywhere near enough. She prowled the apartment, nose eagerly on the scent of a fat mouse, which had gotten into the building a week ago. Since Serena wasn't small enough to get into anyplace where it would be possible to get the little creature (and besides, the job didn't exactly appeal to the human), the task fell to Luna, who hadn't had a challenge of this type for nearly four years. Despite her intelligence and dignity, there was something about stalking a mouse like a non-intelligent house cat that was appealing to Luna. It was a challenge to her cunning, which required a combination of chess skills, good muscle tone, response time, and a fast foot speed. She had set out a small hunk of cheese from the fridge for the uninvited house guest. After five hours, the mouse came out to get the cheese. One pounce later and Luna was carrying her first live prey in a very, very long time out to the balcony to enjoy her small meal. Serena saw the slight trace of blood on the kitchen floor. "Oh, Luna..." She took a sponge and cleaned up the mess. Near seven o'clock, the human occupants of the apartment met at the door, exchanged a brief yet passionate kiss, and exited - Serena to take a walk and Darien to drive his motorcycle to his job at a chemical company. Just outside the apartment, Serena ran across Rei who was walking Naoko in the stroller. "Hi, Rei," she said before kneeling down to say hello to the baby. Naoko smiled and cooed at Serena. "I don't know what's more exhausting, classes or this baby," complained Rei. "You're the one who wanted to take the late-summer session." "Besides Amy, you're mean," Rei agreed laughingly. Even though the blue-haired genius was beginning to get better, she had a long way to go before she reached a healthy level of studiousness. Greg wasn't complaining about the progress she had already made, though, and the problems Serena had sensed earlier in the summer were pretty much resolved. (Author's note - see The Wedding Part 5 for details) She added, "Count yourself lucky - your first kid doesn't show up for another thousand years." "Not necessarily. According to Sonya and Amy, Darien and I are more or less physiologically normal while we're not in our warrior forms. What that, of course, means is that. . ." "Any time you want kids, you could probably have them with a little planning." "Yeah. Not that I really want to have kids at least until I get out of college, but it's nice to know that we won't have to wait a thousand years to have any." Luna jumped down from the second-floor fire escape and walked up to the two Senshi. She nearly jumped up to Serena's shoulder, but remembered what she had just been doing and simply said, "Hello, Rei. I'm headed down to the park, would you, Naoko, and Serena care to join me?" "Sure, Luna. Not like we've got anything else to do, my classes don't start until noon." She turned to Serena and said, "Time was when you wouldn't even be out of bed before noon if you didn't have to be." "Yeah, I remember. Thank God those days are over." Luna and Rei agreed with Serena. The two women and cat chatted about current events until they turned onto a busy street, when Luna fell silent and Serena and Rei kept up their conversation without missing a beat. While the friends talked, Naoko slowly moved toward slumber, until suddenly the baby began to scream in fear. Not even her mother's warm embrace could quiet the child. Then, Rei felt the same thing that Naoko had: the unmistakable feeling of a youma draining the energy out of a human being. Serena turned toward the emanations. "Rei, get Naoko out of here, I'll call the others." The Senshi of Fire nodded and turned to get her baby to a safe place. Within minutes, six of the nine Senshi: Royal Moon, Eternal Venus and Jupiter and Super Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn, were present. "Let's announce our presence with a bang - Uranus-san, I want you to Shake his World and then the rest of us will attack. Got it?" Uranus nodded once, then turned to the youma. It was particularly ugly, all eyes and teeth with little in the way of classic youma body structure to it. "WORLD SHAKING!" she cried out, and slammed a sphere of golden energy into the pavement. The ball skimmed across the street and slammed into the youma's back as Sailor Moon cried out, "I am the Champion of Love and Justice, Royal Sailor Moon!! On behalf of the Moon, I'll right wrongs and triumph over evil," she ducked a thrown I-beam, "Meaning you, scum-bucket!" "Ooh, hooray," said the youma sarcastically. It fired a number of energy beams at the Sailor Senshi. Eternal Sailor Jupiter parried three shots by bringing the Thunder Javelin, a polished Joivan metal spear, into existence and wielding it like a bo staff. Eternal Sailor Venus cried out, "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" and used the chain of hearts to block the blasts aimed at her. Eternal Sailor Moon's Moon Rapier flashed in a rapid pattern as she blocked ten bolts of energy aimed at her or in her direction. Super Sailors Uranus, Neptune and Saturn just dodged the attacks headed at them. "Sailor Moon, duck!" called Sailor Neptune. Sailor Moon hit the pavement just before Neptune called her new super attack, "Oceanic Blast!!" The huge sphere of energy passed two feet above Sailor Moon's prone body and slammed into the youma. Sailor Moon winced in near-sympathy. That blast was a very, very harsh one. She looked again - the youma was still standing. *Not for long,* she thought grimly. She aimed the Moon Rapier at the creature. "Moon Rapier. . . ANNIHILATION!!" she cried, focusing her energies and those of the Moon Crystal through the weapon to blast it. Within moments, the youma was no more. "Let's get out of here, guys, before people start asking awkward questions." The Eternal Inners took wing, while the Super Outers leapt away, following the younger women. Sailor Moon fell back behind the other Inners and caught Uranus before the last of her upward momentum died away, then Jupiter and Venus followed suit with Saturn and Neptune. When the six reached a safe distance, they transformed back to their civilian forms. Alex noted, "Serena. . . Have you been eating too much again?" "How could I, Alex? Thanks to being a Senshi, I take in about four thousand calories a day and still go to bed hungry." "Look down." Serena did so, and noticed that her stomach was bigger than it should have been. "Hmm. . ." Her eyes became saucers as she thought over the last month, noticed one small but significant change compared to every month previous since the age of thirteen. "Alex, where's your car from here?" "Pretty close - why?" "I. . . think it may be a good idea for me to see the doctor this morning." "Okay." Alex had a pretty good idea what Serena was hinting at. So did the others. The Negaverse Quartzite scowled. These Sailor Senshi were too damn good. Her plan could survive some setbacks, but if the Senshi kept showing up at every turn. . . she just couldn't win like that. It'd be a good way to wind up like Jadeite. Jadeite watched over Quartzite. He would protect her. It's the least I can do to atone for my sins against Their Highnesses. He had watched over Serenity's wedding to her beloved Endymion in the same manner, foiling not one or two, but six youma which had determined to avert the occasion. He felt toward his Prince, now his King, the same as his Rei felt toward her Queen, to the point where he would lay down his life for his beloved friend. It was too bad that they had only met in this lifetime as enemies. Perhaps once Chad has gone to the grave and Rei has had time to mourn her husband, then I will return to the lives of my friends and my love. Jadeite's sense of honor would not allow him to break up Rei's relationship with Chad, although it pained him to be separated from the life of the baby he considered to be somewhere between a niece and a step-daughter, not to mention from his love. The spirit of Queen Serenity appeared before Jadeite. "General Jadeite." "Please, Majesty, my rank was Colonel before Beryl brainwashed me." "No, Jadeite, you were slated for promotion to Brigadier General when you disappeared. Poor Rei - she cried for a week after you vanished." The Queen giggled slightly, "She only recovered after my dear daughter slapped her across the face and said, and I quote, `You're a Princess of Mars, stop acting like me!' That not only stopped Rei's crying, but she stared at Serena with the most startled expression you ever saw on her face for ten full seconds before she broke out laughing." Jadeite laughed gently, although there was some pain in his expression. "It's my fault." "No, it is Beryl's fault. If you must place blame, or Metallia's, but not yours. Even your mental powers and training could not hope to withstand the pure blackness that was Metallia. Fortunately, the Dark Queen and her pawn are both rotting in Tartarus, and our dear friend Hades is making sure that their eternal torment is most appropriate." "And my friends?" "Zoisite and Malachite finally were freed of this life by my daughter, and thankfully found their eternal rest together. I ensured that Hades did not judge them too harshly by reminding him of certain debts he owed me. He gnashed his teeth for the longest time, but he agreed finally." "And my blood-brother?" "Nephrite is not quite dead. He will not be ready to rejoin the living for a few decades yet, but he is most definitely not dead." * * * "Congratulations, Mrs. Chiba, your results are back. You're pregnant." Serena's gynecologist, Doctor Ashley Irons, was a blade-slim, fiftyish woman with hair that fit her name. Despite her body type, she had a very pleasant smile and an open, approachable bedside manner. Serena's face lit like a million-candlepower floodlight. "Really?" "Absolutely. I take it that you've already decided that you're going to keep this baby?" "You bet your doctorate!" Serena's happiness upon hearing the news was contagious. Dr. Irons' lips twitched into a smile, "Good for you, Serena. I understand that some young women who suddenly find themselves pregnant, especially women with such an active lifestyle as yours, immediately go for an abortion and find themselves regretting that rash decision for the rest of their lives. It's not a load of guilt I would wish on such a nice girl as yourself." In the lobby, Alex was casually reading Car & Driver as she waited for Serena. "These new American cars are all the same - one extended curve. Sheesh." Michelle was more interested in the newspaper, looking at an editorial cartoon which lampooned the Diet as a youma sucking the energy out of everything in its vicinity, with the new reform party as an ersatz Sailor Moon figure. Ironic, considering how much Serena hated the reform party's politics. "I'm ready to go, guys," said Serena. She had composed herself fairly well after leaving Dr. Irons' office. "Are you pregnant?" asked Alex. Serena nodded, smiling gently. "Yes, I am." "Congratulations, Serena," said Michelle, "I sincerely hope that you and Darien are ready, though!" "Hey, let's go for some lunch and celebrate!" * * * That evening. . . "Hi, Usako, I'm home!" "Darien," said Serena, her voice just above a whisper, "Could you come in here?" Darien entered the bedroom. Serena looked up from the desk. Her uncharacteristically serious face brightened quickly, and she stood up and embraced him. "Serena. . .?" After three false starts, Serena whispered, "Congratulations, Darien. We're going to have a baby." "A baby!?" Darien's eyes lit up with amazement and pride. "Yep. I found out today, after the fight this morning." She hugged him tighter, as though she didn't want to ever let go. "I hope it's a girl," Darien whispered, his lips delicately brushing his wife's ear, "with your beautiful crystal-blue eyes." "Just as long as it's not Reeny," Serena replied, laughing. Not that she didn't miss the girl she had thought of as her first daughter (even though she wasn't), but she just wasn't ready for Crystal Tokyo! "That'd be really strange," agreed Darien. Serena continued, "Amy did some scans of my body this afternoon, in Sailor Moon form and as Neo-Queen Serenity. It looks like in Sailor Moon form, since I became pregnant, my abdominal muscles become super-hard, to protect the baby. As Serenity, no such luck, but Serenity's really not meant to fight, so she doesn't need it. As me, of course, I'm just a twenty-year-old woman in peak physical condition and the fifth week of pregnancy." "Wow." Darien felt completely awestruck, and more than a little humbled as he ran a hand over the slight bulge of Serena's stomach, the clear indication of new life beginning. And unlike Reeny, no matter how amazing it had been knowing and to some extent raising her, this child was of them, in the here and now, the child of Darien and Serena Chiba, not of Endymion and Serenity. "Who have you told?" "Alex, Michelle, and Heather know already, they drove me over to the doctor's office. Amy already knows, obviously. I have to tell everybody else." She picked up her communicator-watch and pressed the `All-call.' "Everybody, this is Serena. There's something really, really important I have to tell all of you. Can you meet over at my apartment in fifteen minutes?" Everybody signaled back that it was okay. "Thanks," Serena said, and signed off. Fifteen minutes later, the girls were arranged on the floor and chairs, Alex and Michelle on the floor leaning against each other, Heather sitting with Sonya, Amy sitting quietly in Serena's comfortable armchair, her backpack leaning against one leg, Rei sitting facing Alex and Michelle, talking animatedly with them, and Mina and Lita engrossed in a conversation of their own. As Serena swept into the room, with Darien a pace behind her, the conversations died down. "Thanks for coming on such short notice," she said. "The first order of business: Amy, Alex, Michelle, Heather, this is old news to you, but everybody: I'm pregnant!" The Senshi crowded around Serena and congratulated her. "Second order of business: Although as Sailor Moon, my body changes to protect the baby, Luna and I think it best that Sailor Moon temporarily retire as the field leader of the Sailor Senshi. I'll still be there, no question, but we feel it's better that another Scout lead in the field until I have my child. I'll now take nominations." "Why only Scouts," asked Alex, "Why not make this election open to all of the Senshi?" Serena sighed heavily to buy time while she thought of how to delicately phrase it. Striking out on that score, she decided to go with brutally honest, "Because the Scouts have been fighting as a team since we started fighting the Negaverse. You Outers have fighting spirit, but your team skills aren't as good as those of the Inners." Alex looked hurt, so Serena continued, "It's not that I don't trust you, I swear by the Moon that I trust each and every one of you with my life, but until *I* see, and Luna sees, that your teamwork is improving with the Inners, I can't trust that an Outer in command wouldn't lead to a serious factional problem within the Senshi, though your actions today were a great start. That is also why I will remain in overall command of the Sailor Soldiers." Alex nodded once and said, "Objection withdrawn." Rei raised her hand, "I nominate Sailor Venus to lead the Sailor Senshi until Sailor Moon returns to active status." "I nominate Sailor Mars," countered Mina. "I second Rei's nomination," said Serena. "My nomination of Mina, or Mina's nomination of me?" "Both." "Mina's got more experience, she should lead," said Rei. Serena called out, "Those in favor of Rei leading until I return to active duty?" Mina, Lita, Michelle, and Heather raised their hands. "Those in favor of Mina leading?" Rei, Amy, Alex, and Sonya raised their hands immediately. "Darien, you're the deciding ballot." "Serena, until you return, I really can't - as Tuxedo Mask, I'm the protector of the Queen, not Earth, and as Endymion, my powers aren't enough for me to qualify as a Senshi Earth." Serena was silent for a very long while before she spoke up, "Congratulations Sailor Mars, you are the temporary leader of the Sailor Senshi." Mina congratulated Rei, and Serena brought out some food. "Of course," groused Rei, "You would pick the one woman here who already has a kid." "Rei, you've wanted to lead since we were fourteen, now's your chance." "Serena, I could never replace you as our leader, especially now." Serena drew herself up to her full height and became Serenity. The Neo-Queen rested a hand on Rei's shoulder with a feathery touch. "Not only can you, Senshi Mars, but you must, for you have been sworn to protect me. Do not shy away from your duty now." She transformed back to Serena and added, giggling, "Besides, there's no way I'm letting miss `I-could-lead-better-in-my-sleep' off the hook!" Serena thought the look on Rei's face hilarious and laughed at her discomfiture. Then she sobered and added, "Rei, there is no one in this world or any other whose judgment I trust more than yours. Please trust that I'm making the right decision here. You must trust yourself. I will still fight if Sailor Moon is needed, but I will not go into action until needed. For now, my modus operandi is going to have to be the same as Tuxedo Mask's," Serena leaned against Darien's shoulder as she said the words, "for I will not unnecessarily endanger the life of my daughter or son before it even begins." Two hours later, the Sailor Senshi crowded into Serena's parents' home. "And to what do we owe this visit," asked Kenji. "Mom, Dad," began Serena, pausing appropriately before her voice became excited, again, "We're going to have a baby!" Ikuko gathered her daughter into her arms and said, "Congratulations, Serena!" Kenji looked stunned. "You're going to have a baby? Already!?" Ikuko gave him a wry look and said, "Kenji, we had Serena barely nine months after the ceremony, remember, not even the first anniversary. Try `the pot calling the kettle black' on for size, dear." She turned back to Serena, "But what are you going to do now? You can't be Sailor Moon while you're pregnant, can you?" "I can, because my transformation adds armor for the baby when I become Sailor Moon, but I'm not going to unless absolutely necessary. Rei will lead the Senshi until I have my baby, and Alex will continue to lead the Outers, as always." Rei broke in, "For the next nine months, it's going to be the way it always should have been: the eight of us protecting the Queen." Her voice showed a tremor of trepidation. "Rei?" "Serena, the reason I nominated Mina was only partly because I thought she could lead better than I could. It's also because, I'm scared for myself. When I was only living for me and the rest of you, it was easier, because you were everything that was important to me. Now, I have Chad and Naoko to worry about. It scares me, because if I were to leave them alone, what would happen?" "That's exactly why I chose you, Rei. You have responsibilities, so you aren't going to go off half-cocked. I love you dearly, Mina, but you do some of the dumbest things I've ever seen so far, except for some of my own actions, because you used to going solo, and you can get away with a lot of dumb things when you're all alone and your mistakes don't endanger your teammates. But Rei has never been a Sailor Soldier without being a part of the Senshi, so she knows instinctively how badly going off half-cocked is." Her face was gentle throughout the explanation, harsh though it was. "Also, much though I hate to choose amongst my friends, Rei has been my best friend, with the obvious exception of Darien, for ten millennia." The Negaverse Imbrium began to pound at a flaw in the prison of brainwashing Roxix had trapped her in. If she could take back control of her body from this impostor known as Quartzite, she could escape to Earth, reunite with Serenity. Suddenly, a small hole opened in the prison, and her link to Serenity, millennia dormant, re-opened. The joy of her sister's soul was blinding, and what was this. . . Attached to her, growing from her life force. . . a baby! Bless the gods, my sister has found her true love at last! Despite the gloom of Imbrium's surroundings, she felt her heart soar. Carefully, a song in her heart and new confidence in her eyes, she began to pick at the hole to try to make it larger. Quartzite felt a strange feeling of joy and love pervade her being. It was unlike anything she had ever encountered in her ten millennia of life in the Negaverse. Centering on the darkness of the Negaverse, she desperately tried to hang on to her bitterness against Endymion, but it was lifted from her heart, revealing a piece of herself long-hidden: Imbrium's love for her sister and her sister's beloved. Watching her, Jadeite smiled. ------ What's going on here? Am I rambling? NO! Things start to come to a head in Married Life Chapter 3: Moon Storm Rising Part 1. Write to me!